“May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Meet Jilliann

A strong communal spirit has always guided me. While living in an intentional community in Spain, I watched how individuals intimately supported one another through life’s transitions. This included childbirth, and I read every book in that section of their library long before I became a mother. Our family moved to the Verde Valley in July of 2020, four months postpartum, and full of change. I knew two things were true: I wanted to surround myself with amazing women, and I wanted to be around birth. I am grateful to the team at Beginnings Birth & Wellness Center who became my stewards as I entered the world of birthwork. I began as a birth assistant in the fall of 2020, where I met Fabiola Merchant, CNM. I joined her team at Sedona Birth & Women’s Health in 2023. Thank you to each family who has welcomed me to your birth experience.

Burying Aster’s placenta with a new baby peach tree, which matched her fuzzy head. It’s a funny story involving green chilis—ask me about it!